Leica Luftwaffe Serial Numbers
I have an old friend ( 90), who was a weekend camera dealer for 40 years, and he gave me a Leica, Luffwaffen Eigentum, with swastica and an M underneath, and the Nazi emblem on the Lens cover, the serial numbers on the top areFI. 20452, on the back is engraved, Luffwaffen Eigentum.
Vintage Leica Serial Numbers

Although the firm origins track back to 1849, the true history of Leica surveillance cameras began when Oscar Barnack appeared at the Ernst Leitz Firm offices in 1911 with his concept for a small 35mmichael camera. The first Leitz camcorder was created in 1925. In 1988, the corporation split into several smaller businesses, with Leica Camcorder GmbH acquiring over the production of cameras. Detailed info about Leica (serial amounts, lens forms, background etc) will be accessible at and wéb-sites. Is get into pc safe. If yóu are usually searching for the zoom lens prices, check the, or use to find other lens produced with Leica screw mount.
Software Serial Numbers
- Serial number blocks are reserved, and then lenses may or may not be made with these numbers. Serial numbers after 2000 are less accurate. Leica loves to do crazy things like pull out an old, discontinued design and make twenty of them in Persian Pink as a special order for the Sultan of Brunei to.
- * Serial numbers and batch total from Gandy's List ** Serial numbers from Serial Numbers Leica Cameras with computed batch total. Unmarked SN's match between both lists and Gandy's batch total was used without recalculation.