Retirement Calculator Python Program
In this example you will learn to create a simple calculator that can add, subtract, multiply or divide depending upon the input from the user. Python Program to Make a Simple Calculator Python Logo. In this example you will learn to create a simple calculator that can add, subtract, multiply or divide depending upon the input from the user.
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In(i.e Electric, Gas, Drinking water, Cable, Mobile phone, etc) ') billcost = int(billcost) break up except ValueError: printing('Make sure you only enter figures') return billcost def age group: while Genuine: try: userage = input('How old are usually you presently? ') userage = int(userage) break up except ValueError: print out('Make sure you just enter amounts') while Real: try out: retiredage = input('At which age perform you program to retire? ') retiredage = int(retiredage) crack except ValueError: print('Make sure you only enter quantities') come back (userage, retiredage) def pension: while True: try: pension = insight('How very much perform you presently have rescued for retirement?
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Right here are some comments: def getnumber(message): ' let's refactor all you number advices into a basic reusable functionality ' while Genuine: test: amount = input(message) quantity = int(quantity) split except ValueError: print('Make sure you just enter figures') return amount def gethomeowner: yes = fixed('y', 'Y', 'ye', 'yes', 'Yés', 'yeah') no = set('n', 'D', 'no', 'Zero', 'nope') house owner = None while Genuine: homeownerchoice = input('Do you own personal or expect to possess your home by retirement age? (y/n)') if homeownerchoice in affirmative: homeowner = True bréak elif homéownerchoice in no: homéowner = False break eIse: print ('Please answér yes or nó') return homeowner déf getinput: ' could stiIl do this á bit bétter using dictionary ór named tupIe, but small stéps ' income = getnumber('Whát is your currént annual income? ') home owner = gethomeowner if home owner: housecost = getnumber('How very much does your rent or home loan price each 30 days? ') else: housecost = 0 expenses = getnumber('What is the mixed monthly cost of your bills, not like Rent or Mortgage?
N(we.e Electric powered, Gas, Water, Cable, Cell phone, etc) ') userage = getnumber('How older are usually you currently? ') retiredage = getnumber('At which age perform you plan to stop working? ') pension check = getnumber('How very much perform you presently have saved for retirement?
The program code below, albeit somewhat messy, requests the user to input their: decades until retirement, curiosity rate, preliminary quantity, and quantity included each year. That component works good. What I feel trying to perform now is determine the value every five years centered on the consumer's input. Basically I want it to look something like this: The value of your account after 5 yrs will end up being $.
The value of your accounts after 10 decades will be $. The worth of your accounts after 15 years will become $. All the method up until the quantity of yearsleft can be met The program code I have now will mainly that except I think I possibly have a mathematics mistake or a coding error (or both) thát I cán't seem to amount out. Any help would be greatly valued. My code is below: def main: # Quantity of decades left until retirement while Genuine: test: yearsleft = int(input('Please enter the quantity of decades still left until retirement (1-70): ')) except ValueError: print out ('Entered worth is not really a quantity! Please enter a number 1-70.' ) except KeyboardInterrupt: print out('Command word Error!
Make sure you enter a amount 1-70.' ) else: if 1 10: confirm = insight('Entered interest price is greater than 10%. Are usually you certain? (y/d): ') if confirm 'con': break elif 0.