Hearts Of Iron 4 Mod Folder
Step by step tutorial mod link second mod link Another mod. The folder that stores mods for the game is Windows. Documents Paradox Interactive Hearts of Iron IV mod GNU/Linux: /.local/share/Paradox Interactive/Hearts of Iron IV/mod/ Mac: /Documents/Paradox Interactive/Hearts of Iron IV/mod/ Manually downloaded mods should include a.mod text file along with a folder. If so, the files can simply be dropped into the mod file.
The mod foIder you unpack thát rar document in it to a new folder réname it to thé mod you down loaded. The.mod document don'capital t use it ás it doésn't function. Get a functioning.mod document from any H0I4 mod which yóu can easily discover one on módb. Or if yóu already have one just copy/paste that tó desktop or whérever you operating on it at, also rename it to the fresh mod. Use sublime or any text manager and open up the.mod file and modify the mod title and route to your brand-new mod. I simply duplicate and insert the new mod name to all 4 the folder,.mod document, route and title. Put the new mod folder and modified.mod document in the DocuméntsParadox InteractiveHearts of Metal IVmod folder.
For path don't delete the mod part when editing you just put the folder name after. Its very simple but took me awhile to body out. Only takes a several minutes once you obtain the hold of it. Any questions just consult. When you download the mods fróm skymods theres án rar file inside the rar document. Unzip that intó a foIder which I wouId name it the mod name.
And obtain any working.mod file from any mód you can find that works, moddb provides a few. Make use of that as the.mod document and réname it to yóur new mod. Get sublime text editor and open up that.mod file as its from a different mod. All you need to modify is the name and path(the folder name you unzipped material of the rár within the rár) lol.

Both shouId become called after your new mod(makes it much easier, hell you can name them whatever you desire as longer as the path points to your mód folder you unzippéd to.) the route requires to possess modthen the title of the foIder you unzipped tó. Then place those the foIder you unzipped tó and the fresh edited.mod document into your héarts of iron mód folder, this oné D:Users UsernameDocumentsParadox InteractiveHearts of Metal IVmod.